Portrait of a typical implementation
We adapt the FlexSim simulation tool to your particular situation, i.e. we reproduce your plant, project, system, warehouse, etc. in it. depending on the level of detail required to improve your planning.
This step is done in collaboration with you and your users.
When applicable, a direct computer link is created between your ERP system and the FlexSim software to facilitate data transfer (SQL, Oracle, OBDC, etc.). This step is done in collaboration with your IT experts.
It is also possible to import into FlexSim the data relevant to the operation of the planner simply by an Excel file or manually on the screen as needed.
​We train the user(s) on the operation of the tool. The user is usually a person working in planning.
Typically, the operation consists of pressing a button to import data, run the simulation (usually a few minutes) and see the results (dashboard, data tables, photos and/or videos)
A complex problem requires an advanced solution.
Don't pass up the opportunity for better planning AND a more peace of mind.